Unleash your senses upon a cauldron overflowing with spellbinding fragrances, offering an extraordinary blend of mythical marvels and ethereal delights.

Autumn Lights

Snuggle up in your witch's cottage this fall with our seasonal candle lineup!

Wander the autumn court, take a stroll through the cemetery. Snuggle up by the hearth for a cozy Samhain feast!

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Hex Maxi Tealight Set - CHARMED COVEN

Witches Collection

No matter which type of witch you identify as, the scents in this collection will keep your cauldron bubbling, your spine tingling, your black cat yowling and your magic as mystical as ever.

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Folklore Collection

From fairy tales to nightmare fuel, this tricksy collection contains scents that are perfect for setting the scene in a woodland cottage, a seaside hut, a creepy castle…whatever tale you’d like to tell.

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Occult Collection

Want to add a devilishly dark atmosphere to your cottage? Invite the coven around for a spirited Midnight Séance, share some terrifying Ghost Stories and bring forth your best Glamour Magick.

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